Carpenter Equipment Chest Engineer Set No. 1
The image to the right lists the contents of the Carpenter's Set.
- 3 Hammer, Claw, 20 oz., Handled
- 2 Handle, File & Tool, Medium
- 1 Square Tri 8" with wood handle
- 2 Hatchet, Half, 3 1/2" cut handled
- 1 Bar, Wrecking, 30 Inch, Claw and Pinch Point
- 2 Saw, crosscut 26" 8 pt
- 1 Saw, Rip, Hand, 26 Inch, 5 pt
- 1 Frame Hacksaw adjustable 8-12"
- 1 Wrench, Monkey, 12 Inch, 2 1/2 Inch Screw Opening
- 1 Chisel woodworkers, socket, wooden handle, 1"
- 1 Level and Plumb, Carpenters, 24" wood
- 1 Level and Plane, Carpenter's Wood, 24 Inch
- 1 Screwdriver, Common, Plastic Handle, 3"
- 1 Screwdriver, Common, Plastic Handle, 4"
- 1 Screwdriver, Common, Plastic Handle, 6"
- 2 File, Saw, Crosscut, 8 Inch
- 2 File Mill, Second Cut 8"
- 1 Auger, Spring shank, 7/16", Handled
- 1 Pliers, Combination, Slip joint 8"
- 1 Doz Crayon, Lumber, Red
- 1 Doz Crayon, Lumber, Blue
- 1 Line, Chalk, 100 Feet, Ball
- 1 Pliers, Linesman, Side cutting 8"
- 1 Rule, Steel, Inside-outside, Push Pull
- 2 Chalk, Carpenter;s, 1 Oz., Half Dozen
- 1 Level, Line, 3"
- 1 Square, Carpenter's Steel 16" x 24"
- 1 Chest, Carpenter's, Squad
- 1 Plan, Loading

The images to the right and below shows some of the contents of the Carpenter's Set.

Tool Details
Hammer, Claw, 20oz, Handled
I really like the Heller brand mule log on this vintage 20 oz clar hammer.

Handle, File and Tool, Medium
There is a great discussion on the tool Forum of the G503 about file handles. This seems to be representative of what was used in WW2, although a small handle is also displayed.

Hatchet, Half, 3 1/2" cut, Handled
There are several different makers for this tool. I chose the PLUMB brand

Square, Tri, 8" with Wooden Handle
This is a Henry Disston and Sons brand square. It is nice to have this along with the Disston saws in the kit. This represents the typical rosewood hadle with the nice brass insert.

Chalk, Carpenter's, 1 Oz., Half Dozen
I was very fortunate to find this original wooden crate containing 1/2 Gross (77) pieces of White Carpente's Chalk. It was the first item i acquired for the Tool Kit above. The Kit calls for 2 Ea, 1/2 Dozen pices. These were normally contained in a Khaki Canvas bag labled "CHALK".

Crayons, Lumber, 1 Doz., Red and Blue
Another illusive comonent of the Engineers Kit No. 1 are the lumber crayons. Finding these kinds of consumables in original WWII cartons is becoming exceedingly difficult. Although they do not command a premium, It took over two years to find both the blue and red box in unissued condition.

Rule, 6", Inside-Outside, Push-Pull
I'm adding this Lufkin Mezurall ruler to the kit and it actually complies with the description and is described as such in the Lukin 1938 catalog.
Rule, 6', Inside-Outside, Push-Pull: The inside outside refers to the ability to be used inside two dimensions such as a window frame by simply adding two inches to the overall dimensions. Or it can be used to measure outside as is the common method. Push pull in the sense that you pull the tape out and push it back in the reel when finished.

Auger, Ship Ring Shanked, 7/16", Handled
Auger, Ship Ring Shanked, 7/16", Handled. Another of those near impossible things to find. Settling for this. This item is also referred to as a Scotch Eyed Auger. I found this suitable substitute. The auger is 17 1/4" long with a 7/16" diameter drill bit. THe ring shank has a 1" inner diameter with a 1 1/2" wide ring. It is painted black and is made by:
The Handle is non-descript being a slightly turned down 1" diameter dowwell, but not matching the profile depicted in the TM posted on p1 of this thread.

Chest, Tools, Carpenter's Set No. 2
This is another common tool set found in the Airborne Engineer Platoon Table of Organization and Equipment, TO&E. It is a rather small box, sturdily made with reinforced corners and handles on either side along with a hasp for a lock.
- The contents are listed as follows:
- 2ea Bags, Canvas, Nail, Depth 13 3/4", width 7 3/8"
- 12ea Blades, Saw, Hack, Hand, Flexible, length 12", width 1/2" or 9/16", points per inch 24.
- 1ea Chest, Tool (Empty for Carpenters' Set No. 2 and Horseshoers Set
- 1ea Chisels, Machinists', Hand, Cold, Width of Cut 3/4", Length 8"
- 1ea Chisels, Woodworkers', Handles, Socket, Firmer, Beveled Edge, Width of Blade 1"
- 1ea Files, American Standard, Mill,, Bastard, Lendth (point to shoulder) 10"
- 1ea Frames, Hacksaw, Adjustable, Straight Handle, Capacity 8"-12"
- 1ea Handles, File and Tool, Medium, (Grip) 1 1/4"
- 1ea Hatchet, Claw, Width of Cutting Edge 4"
- 1ea Pliers, Side Cutting, Flat-Nose, Length (Overall) 8"
- 1ea Rules, Multiple, Folding, Wood, Length 6-Feet
- 1ea, Saws, Crosscut, Hand, Length (Cutting Edge) 24", Points per Inch 8
- 1ea Screwdrivers, Common, Normal Duty, Straight-Grip, Length of Blade 6"
- 1ea Shears, Tinners', Hand, (Snips) Straight Cut, Length of Cut 3", Length (Overall) 12 1/4"
- 1ea Squares, Carpenters' Try, Rosewood handle, length of Blade, Inside beam 6"
- 1ea Wrenches, Screw, Money, nie Handle, Jaw Opening (Minimum) 1 3/4", ength (Ovea) 10"

Electrician's Tool Set
- Bits, Wood-Boring, Auger, Hand, Double-Twist Extension-Lip, Bit Stock Shank, Type A
- 1/4", 3/8", 1/2", 5/8", 3/4", 7/8", 1"
- Bits, Wood Boring, Expansive, Bit-Stock Shank with 2 Cutters, Capacity, (Cutting 7/8"-3")
- Blades, Saw, Hack, Hand, Type-A, All Hard, Length 12”, Width 1/2” or 9/16”, Points Per Inch 24
- Brace, Bit, ratchet, Sweep 10”
- Chisels, Woodworkers, Handled, Socket-Firmer, Bevel-Edge, Type-A, Width o1/2" and 1"
- Chisels, Machinist’ Hand, cold
- Width of cut 1/2”, Length 6”
- Width of cut 1”, Length 9”
- Drill, Breast, Type A, Plain, Capacity of Chuck 1/8”-1/2”
- Drills, Twist, Carbon Steel, Straight Shank,, SIngle, Short Set 1/8" - 1/2"
- Drills, Stone, Star, Four-Point
- Diameter 1/4”, Length 12”
- Diameter 1/2”, Length 12”
- Diameter 3/4”, Length 12”
- File, American, Standard, Mill Bastard, Length Point-To-Shoulder 10”, With Handle, Medium, Largest Diameter of Handle (Grip) 1 1/4
- File, American Standard, Round, Smooth, Point-To-Shoulder 8”, With Handle, Medium, Largest Diameter of Handle (Grip) 1 1/4”
- Flashlight, Electric, Hand, With-Batteries-And-Lamp, Non-Focusing Type, Black Enml, 3-Cell
- Frame, Hacksaw, Adjustable, Straight-Handle, Type A, Capacity 6”-12”, with Blade Length 12”, Width 1/2” or 9/16”, Points per inch 24
- Hammer, Carpenter’s, Claw, Bell-faced, Weight 1 Pound
- Hammer, Machinists’, Ball-Peen, Weight 4-Ounce
- Holder, Bit, Extension, 18”
- Knife, Electricians
- Nippers, End-Cutting, Without-Detachable-Jaws, Lap-Joint, Length 5 1/2”
- Oiler, Steel, Type I, Straight-Spout, Spring Bottom, Capacity 1/2 Pint, Diameter 3”
- Pliers, Chain, Long-Round-Nose (Side-Cutting -Style) Length (Overall) 6”
- Pliers, Combination, Slip-Joint, (Wire-Cutting-Type) Length (Overall) 6”
- Pliers, Diagonal-Cutting, With-Notch-For-Stripping, Wires, Length (Overall) 6”
- Pliers, Side-Cutting, Flat-Nose, Length (Overall) 8”
- Pliers, Side-Cutting, Long-Nose, Length (Overall) 8”
- Pullers, Fuse, 10 to 100amp., 250 Volt Size, Laminated Fibre
- Punches, Knockout (Set-of-4), Sizes 1/2”, 3/4”, 1” and 1 1/4”
- Punches, Knockout (Set-of-2), Sizes 1 1/2” and 2”
- Rule, Multiple-Folding, Wood, Type C, Length 6 Feet
- Saw, Compass, Type I, Length (Cutting Edge) 12”, Points Per Inch 8
- Solder, Tin-Lead, Wire-Flux-Core, Grade-A, Diameter 3/32”, 1-Pound Spool
- Tape, Friction, General-Use, Black, Width 3/4”
- Tape, Measuring, Steel, 100-Foot
- Tester, Voltage, Armature Reading A.C. 0 to 550 Voltage and D.C. 0 to 600 Voltage
- Tape, Rubber, Insulating, Width 3/4”
- Threading-Tools, Pipe, Ntnl-St-Pipe-Thread Rachet Type, (Threading Capacity) 1/2”-1 1/4”
- Torch, Alcohol, Blow, Capacity 1/4 Pint
- Wire, Fish, Steel, Flat, Flexible No. 1, Length 100 Ft., With Puller Reel
- Wrench, Adjustable, Crescent Type, Jaw Opening (Minimum) 1/2”, Length (Overall) 4”
- Wrench, Adjustable, Crescent Type, Jaw Opening (Minimum) 15/16”, Length (Overall) 8”
- Wrench, Pipe, Adjustable, Type I, Normal-Duty, Pipe Capacity (Maximum) 1 1/2”, Length 14”
- Wrench, Pipe, Adjustable, Type II, Heavy Duty, Pipe Capacity (Maximum) 1/2”, length 6”
- Wrench, Pipe, Adjustable, Type II, Heavy-Duty, PipeCapacity (Maximum) 1”, Length 10”
- Kit, Tool, Canvas, M-1921 (Empty)—-QMD Jeff. 45
- Roll, Tool, Canvas, Electricians’ For Bits, Drills, and Screwdrivers

Bit, Wood Boring, Expansive, Bit-Stock Shank with 2 Cutters (Capacity 7/8"-3")
Convlco produced numerous different cutters for many companies. This is one produced for Clark Expansive Bit Co.

Brace, Bit, Ratchet, Sweep, 10"

Drills, Twist, Carbon Steel, Straight Shank,, SIngle, Short Set 1/8" - 1/2
Finding the correct vintage drills is difficult as they were mostly used up and discarded. This a a set of ATM twist drills with all of the required sizes except the 1/8". ATM is the Avildsen Tool and Machine Company of New York, founded in 1939. I cannot tell yet if they had any WW2 government contracts to manufacture tools.

Drill, Star, Stone, Four-Point
I found a set of star point stone drills which are actually to e used by hand with a hammer providing the force. THe set calls for 3/4", 1/2", and 1/4". I have a 5/16" for the small one. Different brands of vintage drill are available, I am not sure which one is completely correct for this kit.

Tape, Measuring, Steel, 100'
This Lufkin 100" metal measuring tape is a dead knock-off of the one in the TM diagram.

Tester, Voltage, Armature Reading A.C. 0 to 550 Voltage and D.C. 0 to 600 Voltage
