GPW 14518 Bumpers and Guards

Front Bumper
Installing the front bumper is fairly easy if everything lines up. Since I had to replace the two from frame horns, I mounted the bumper to the 4 frame gussets with the bolts and then the horns were welded to the frame. When I wnet to reinstall the bumper, everything fit perfectly.
I used a Ford marked repordution wood insert behind the bumper and installed the 4 long 5/16-24 bolts with hex nuts and lock washers.

Klaas, from the G503, pointed out that my reproduction bumper did not have the two 5/8" punch holes in it. I went to the Henry Ford site and copied the drawing of the bumper and posted it above. I will drill the two 5/8" holes to rectify this oversight. These were pinched out at the factory, but I will have to drill them. Perhaps I can dress them up with a small file (deburring) so they appear punched rather than drilled. I suspect they will be somewhat recessed on the side where the punch entered the bumper (coining is the industry term used here) and sharp on the other side. I will assume the front received the punch and the back was against the die.

Rear Bumpers
The rear bumpers are normally referred to as bumperettes. They are simply secured to the rear frame with 4 bolts, lock washers and nuts. I had no more F marked 3/8-24 x 3/4" bolts so I used unmarked bolts, L/Ws and nuts. I gave everything another coat of OD.