GPW 14518 Exhaust

Muffler and Pipe Installation
For the first engine start I am only installing the exhaust pipe from the manifold over the skid plate and out the side of the frame. I am using the early round muffler configuration and will highlight that later.
I used VHT 200 degrees gray primer IAW the instructions followed by VHT cast blast to simulate the unfinished metal pipe color that Ford originally installed the pipes as. Hopefully over time it will retain its dull metal color.
To properly secure the pipe I had to mount the skid plate. I first placed the pipe section to the manifold and loosely installed teh gasket and nuts. My manifold has a 7/16 stud as opposed to the 3/8 as required by the TM. I then laid the skid plate ont eh ground and laid the exhaust pipe on it. I then lifted the skid plate into position and installed the 4 carriage bolts and the frme bolt and nut. I then secured the pipe to the plate using the clamp and screws in the Debella kit.

Muffler and Mounting Hardware
Using the diagram of the muffler mounting and hardware from the Parts TM above, I installed the muffler. I am using Peter Debella's muffler and hardware and found them to be robust and relatively easy to use. The bolts are of course modern marked, so those were ground down on the head to leave them unmarked.
The front end of the muffler has 4 serrations to open up and slide over the exhaust pipe. You will need to open it up a bit to spil it over the pipe. Make sure to angle the rear of the muffler, with the bevelled/angled opening so that the wide part iof the opening is away from the tire toa keep some of the hot exhaust off the tire.
The three individual clamps are very sturdy and need to be opened up a bit to get them installed. The screws are just long enough (or shortenough) so that you need extra hands to close them enough to get the nut started. Use the TM images to orient the bolt heads and nuts correctly, be they up or down.
Here are two images of the 3 muffler clamps/supports and how I secured them. I still need to do some paint tough up on the hardware and small places where the muffler was scratched. I hope the VHT Cast Blaster paint does well over time. Others have reported it maintains the grey metal-like color without rusting. We shall see.